A-Rod appears on The Tonight Show

photo via The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
The renaissance of A-Rod continued last night when he appeared on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon," and he certainly didn't disappoint. If you didn't see it, you can watch here.
Fallon, who sometimes sits behind home plate at Yankee games, joked that he never gets a tip of the cap from A-Rod - unlike Derek Jeter who acknowledges both he and Lorne Michaels before getting into the box. A-Rod then questioned Fallon's loyalty, asking if he's a Yankees, Mets or Red Sox fan. Fallon responded that yes, he is in fact a Yankee fan. Strange. No red-blooded Yankee fan would decide to star in FEVER PITCH:

I digress. A-Rod was obviously in town last night because he's currently an analyst on FOX for the pre and postgame shows during the World Series. He's gotten high praise from just about everyone, which is amazing to think about. The guy that most people thought they'd hate as an analyst is actually better than the booth that's doing the World Series. They should be able to trade Harold Reynolds for A-Rod.
I really hope he does the complete run-around and goes into the Hall of Fame as a broadcaster. That would make my life. (By the way, I want the Mets to lose, but I kind of hope we see a seven game series just so we can be blessed with A-Rod's insane baseball knowledge for another week or so).
This whole year has been crazy for A-Rod. We've seen him transform from a robot into an actual human being. He's still awkward at times, but that's what makes him great. It seems as if he doesn't care what people think about him for the first time in his life.
Anyway, A-Rod and Fallon talked about the new FOX gig and what it's like to work with guys like Frank Thomas, Pete Rose, Raul Ibanez and Kevin Burkhardt. A-Rod then gave away tickets to tonight's World Series game to one lucky Met fan in the audience! God, that A-Rod. Such a bad guy.
But the most entertaining part of the whole segment came when Fallon asked if 40 year old A-Rod would give any advice to 20-year old A-Rod. Alex replied with "do you have enough time?!" He then said "I would probably just keep it simple. Enjoy yourself and remember to have fun. And, let's see.... If you ever do a photoshoot, don't kiss any mirrors!"
This fits in with the whole theme of Alex Rodriguez this year. He's made fun of himself all season and has showed us a sense of humor we've never seen before. HE KNOWS HOW RIDICULOUS THAT PHOTO OF HIM KISSING A MIRROR WAS! To hear him bring it up and talk about it was amazing.
Long live Alex Rodriguez.