A day in the life of ARod
Alex Rodriguez last played a major league baseball game on August 12 -- just 49 days ago. It seems like an entire season has come and gone since then. While our focus has been on the field with the new-look Yankees, ARod has been busy off the field, but what exactly has he been up to since we last saw him in pinstripes?
#OurWeekend pic.twitter.com/QLrfj3kKZ6
— Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) August 14, 2016
If you've been following ARod on social media for the past year then you know he's been really committed to family. The man spent the last 23 years of his life obsessing over, training for, and playing baseball. I'm sure he missed a lot of milestones in his daughter's lives, and coming from someone with no children and who is completely talking out of his ass, I can imagine that was difficult for ARod to handle and he's trying to make up for lost time.
Back to school. #CarpoolDad pic.twitter.com/xDxLrCQ9iv — Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 6, 2016
Looks like Natasha is headed for the 15-day DL #MinorInjury #StillHasToDoHerHomeworkThough pic.twitter.com/v5msjYCO5K
— Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 4, 2016
I also love the fact that the moment he retired he morphed into Danny Tanner and is making cringe-worthy dad jokes. ARod isn't just the best dad in the world, he's also a world traveler who is getting in touch with his deep thoughts and emotions.
Expanding my horizons. #Utah pic.twitter.com/GBCAarJNFa — Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) August 29, 2016
Some may travel to the rocky lands of Utah for a spiritual experience but I bet ARod also used this time to get his body ready for the 2017 season, which he has not yet ruled-out playing in. On the same trip, ARod also popped by little institution called Stanford University (ever heard of it?) to get a super top-secret behind the scenes tour of the Business School. Maybe Alex is looking to get his MBA? After all, if he's going to be the greatest CEO of all time at AROD CORP then he needs the best education available. First lesson: don't have a website under construction for a full year.
Thank you Prof. Robert Siegel for giving me a tour of the @Stanford Graduate School of Business pic.twitter.com/pyqJUwUsQq
— Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) August 28, 2016
Al then hung out with Tie Domi, who Alex hopefully stays on the good side of.
Good to see my favorite ?? and good friend @thereal_tiedomi & his son @max_domi last night. pic.twitter.com/cBYLyGtbs0 — Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 7, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC2Gbawi_Gk Next up was a day with Jeff Koons.
Beautiful fall day with my friend @JeffKoons. pic.twitter.com/TajmcsVkTH
— Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 24, 2016
Don’t know who Jeff Koons is? No worries, I didn’t either. And that’s because I’m not rich enough to know who he is. From what I gather, Koons is an artist who essentially makes sculptures that look like balloon animals and sells them for an obnoxious amount of money – enough to make his 2016 net worth $100M. Back in 2013 his Balloon Dog (Orange) sold for $58.4 million at auction. Even Jacoby Ellsbury is blushing at that sum of money.
ARod spoke at the Zeitgeist Conference about the landscape of media today, while seducing the crowd with a little ankle (ow-ow).
Thanks Alphabet for the opportunity to speak @zgconference and @jessicayellin for the interview. #Zeitgeist16 pic.twitter.com/I1wRKVyO0y — Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 20, 2016
He ran into Chuck, the greatest basketball analyst of all time, probably to talk about his upcoming TV gig during the 2017 MLB postseason. In all seriousness, ARod was really good during the post season last year. He articulated his points well and displayed a ridiculously deep knowledge of baseball. I'd watch (and so would the rest of America) an ARod/Pete Rose MLB postseason show.
Look who I found at @google @zgconference. The great Sir Charles. Had us laughing all night. pic.twitter.com/Y33MQvF5vP — Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 20, 2016
And finally, the world debut of the secret (maybe shouldn't have tweeted it if it was so secret) Rodriguez Family handshake. Everyone needs a secret handshake. ? pic.twitter.com/dP3b6G5wRp
— Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) September 26, 2016