Derek Jeter has a dog named Kane
Its been a busy week for Derek Jeter! First the news that he's engaged to Hannah Davis, then he dressed up as the scariest devil these eyes have ever seen, and now he's sharing about his experiences as a dog owner!

Today on the Players' Tribune, Jeter wrote about his dog Kane, who he got last January. Here's what I learned from that post:
1) Hannah Davis knows what she's doing - In this post Jeter reveals that he got Kane from his "fiance" Hannah. Its the first time he publicly said he is dating Hannah Davis, never mind engaged to her. But that is not the point. Hannah gave him that dog LAST JANUARY. That is ballsy. She basically locked Jeter up and Miyagi'd him into proposing, if you ask me. There's two things you can't say no to in life; one is Hannah Davis (Hannah Jeter?) and the other is an adorable puppy.
2) Jeter was afraid of dogs – This one I was not expecting. The Derek Jeter I know was not afraid of anything. Not a 98mph Pedro fastball, not diving head first into the stands, not being the captain of the New York Yankees…nothing. But I guess Jeter is human, and we’re learning that as each day passes.
3) The Jeter's are going to be the perfect family - Money, check. Looks, check. Awesome dog, check. World Series rings, check. Giant mansion in St. Jetersburg, check. What don't Derek Jeter and Hannah Davis have? They are going to rival Tom and Gisele for having the perfect life, you just wait and see.
4) Jeter was even more dedicated to baseball than we thought - This one might sound obvious, but as all these things are happening its becoming more and more clear to me that Jeter was the perfect baseball player. All he cared about was winning. He did not want anything to get in the way of his baseball career, and now that he's retired, he's getting to do everything else he wanted to do.
5) I may need to get a life and stop obsessing over Derek Jeter - nah just kidding.