I went to the London Series and you should feel dumb that you didn't
You should’ve been there. I know everyone has their own situations in life, but when Major League Baseball announced the London Series on May 8 of last year, you should’ve figured out a way to get there. Whether it was squirreling away money throughout the year, or cancelling some other vacation that almost definitely was not as fun as the London Series, you should’ve been there, because it was a blast.
Personally, when I saw even rumors of the Yankees and Red Sox playing in London in 2018, I knew I was going. I just didn’t see how I could miss it and even bought my plane tickets before it was announced how and when tickets would go on sale. My thought process was, “If I have a plane ticket, there isn’t a price for a game ticket that would keep me out of the stadium,” and honestly, the prices weren’t that bad. Yes, the cheapest tickets were about $80, but you aren’t just there for a baseball game. We were there for a baseball and historical experience, that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
If you think about it, when is the next time that the Yankees will play an international game, in a place that speaks the same language, while only being as far away as California would be to fly to? Probably never again, or at least not for another generation, but thankfully I was there this time and you should’ve been too.
There were people throughout the year that complained every time a detail came out about this series. Whether it was the playing surface, the dimensions of the field, or even the fact that it was clearly a money grab, people complained. If you were one of those people, I want you to know that the field looked great, the dimensions weren’t a factor, and baseball is a business, so of course they’re trying to make money. If you complained about any of those things, let’s just be honest, you know you should’ve been there and you’re channeling that inner anger at everyone else.
While it’s too late for you as a Yankee fan to go and experience all the fun that was London Yards, the games themselves and the camaraderie of meeting people who love the same team you do, from all over the world, it’s not too late for others. If you have a friend that is a Cubs or Cardinals fan, reach out to them and tell them to book a flight. Send them this article, so they know from someone who was there, that the trip is well worth it and admit to them that you should’ve gone.
On Wednesday morning, there will be a new George's Box, where myself and Keith recap the trip. Give it a listen so you can find out the details of everything you missed.
PS: I wrote this from the balcony of my place in Lake Como for the week, so this is my view. I hope your cubicle looks just as nice.