Instant Reaction: Fantastic start to home opener
Gut Reaction
There may be a few kinks with Joe and the new 'pen, but there was a lot of good in that game and a win is a win is a win.
Gumby pitched excellent with a fresh haircut. Something to look for from now on. He needed to give us great start after having three duds, and he did just that. He was working fast. He was grooving. He was moving. He was breezing through the Reds lineup, which is no slouch. Now, we need him to do this over and over again.
Didi is Going Crazy
This hot streak that Didi is on is no joke. He's dropping the hammer down on the ball. Smashing pitches and finger gunning his ass off. I love it. How could you not love it? He's the happiest dude on the team. A perpetual smile. It's a joy to watch him play this well.
Joe is very excited to have this pen. You can't blame him. Pulling Gumby early there is something he would not have done two weeks ago. Now he has 6 studs in the pen, so why not? You save Gumby's arm, which may be needed since it's his first full season in the Majors. You bring in power arms that can blow guys away. I'm fine with pulling Gumby and going to Kahnle. I'm even fine with them going to Betances in the eighth. But once Betances shows any sign of struggling, he needs to be yanked. Like I said in the video, Betances should never get a mound visit. He's either on or he's off, and let's not risk dealing with him when he's off. All in all, that was a good solid win. Let's keep it going! Follow me on Twitter to chat during the game tomorrow @Jomboy_