Is this the worst "Yankees Fan" of all time?
This is a real person in the world that was at the Diamondbacks vs. Orioles game last night... I am legitimately dumbfounded. I know a lot of people have a "second team," and although I view those people to have the same decision making skills as someone who would get a neck tattoo, none of those people have a neck tattoo of one of those teams. I just have so many questions.
1) Are you from New York and in Arizona now on a witness protection thing? (The only reason in my mind people move there.)
2) Were you a Yankee fan and 2001 made you flip?
3) When you got that tattoo on your neck did you think future employers wouldn't see it?
4) It really had to be a Luis Gonzalez jersey too?
Personally, I have never seen a person with a tattoo and thought, "good thing you got that on your body for forever," but this one just has to be removed. Whether you black it out or someone goes Sons of Anarchy on you to burn it off, that thing needs to go.