MLB delays regular season at least two weeks
The other shoe dropped today and it was the news we were all dreading, but expecting. The 2020 Major League Baseball regular season is delayed at least two weeks.
This came after news that spring training would be suspended. MLB was smart not to put a firm date on starting the season because we don't know how long this will go on. They can reevaluate the situation as April 9th approaches, which would be the new start date.
For the Yankees and rest of the league, this would mean about 12 games are missed. They could do some things like skip All Star week or schedule double headers to make up those games. Earlier today I dove into what a shorter season might look like and one - lets call it interesting - idea that has been discussed to recoup lost games.
Despite lost revenue it is in MLB's best interest to play it safe, so if I had to guess, the season will be delayed more than two weeks.
In the meantime, how are you feeling about the news? What do you want to see happen?