Wells done: Vernon is valuable

Photo Credit: yesnetwork.comHe's one of the lesser-known top paid players in Major League Baseball for the past few years. Vernon Wells. For the past three years he has been the second highest paid player overall ($24,187,500), trailing behind the notoriously highest paid Alex Rodriguez ($30 million). Only paid a few million less than Arod but his name is less seen in the tabloids.
The Yanks acquired Wells on March 26th from the Angels and they haven't looked back since. Currently batting a steady .280, with 6 HRs and 13 RBIs on the season, he seems to fit in well with the injury-stricken club. He's molding in nicely with the melting pot, "Motley Crew" of newbie Yanks and usual minor leaguers to somehow pull off a winning record of now 18-12.
The ex-Jay great has been a 3-time All-Star, 3-time Gold Glover and Silver Slugger. He openly admits, that despite his many outstanding seasons with Toronto, he has secretly been a Yankees fan, cheering for them when the Jays get knocked out of the playoffs. Love this guy!
Fun fact? I was surprised to find out that he had played for the Sydney Storm in 1999 of the (*SHOUT-OUT*) Australian Baseball League. He plays a vital role this year because the "Robby Cano's" and "Brett Gardner's" can't do it all on their own. It leaves us fans helplessly hoping for solid performances of fresh pick-ups: Wells, Hafner, Youkilis, and Overbay, also some fire lit under the asses of farmhands: Cervelli, Nunez and Nix.
The mix of Triple-A guys and "have-beens-we-traded-for-who-are-still-decent" have been doing shockingly well, without our household name players out on the field. Throw in the "big dogs" (who mostly all should be back by the All-Star break), amongst this team of "no-names" who have proved themselves to be AL East contenders and...you can obviously smell the sweet scent of October. ;)