Today's International Dog Day, so here are pictures of our dogs in Yankees gear
According to Twitter, it's #InternationalDogDay. Is that real? I have no idea, but if I put dogs in the title, people will click on this blog. Look, you did it. That's how we ended up here together. Either way, I promised dogs, so here are some dogs.
First up is Fletcher. Fletcher belongs to Colleen's parents and I'm counting it because her building won't let her have a dog of her own. Fletcher looks like a good boy who does a great job of tracking down tennis balls, but in reality he's really lazy.

Next up are Joe Randazzo's dogs, Howie and Callie, or as I like to call them, the Golden Girls.
I just think they look like 2 old ladies who sit by the window and spy on neighbors.

Here we have Scott Reinen's dog Mattingly, who, unlike his namesake, may actually see a championship. I've never seen a dog less happy in a picture, but think about how you would feel if someone dressed you up and made you take a picture.

This is Dory, who belongs to Delia. It turns out that Dory was sad in this picture because the Yankees were losing. Hopefully the team sees this and never loses again.

John Bleh tried to get his dog to wear a hat, and as you can see, it didn't go well. Still a very good boy.

Last and, of course not least, is the people's champion, Jorge Pawsada. You can follow him on Instagram.

He may look familiar from last week's Stadium Eats. In a world full of good boys, he may be the goodest.