Our free agent predictions recap
Now that pitchers and catchers have reported, it's time to look back at the Bronx Pinstripes team's free agent predictions. Last year, we did not do well. As a group, we were 15/140 (.107), and that includes six out of ten of us getting Gerrit Cole to the Yankees correct.
This year we did much better. We were 43/144 (.299) — if batting average was still a predominant stat, we’d be better than Mickey Mantle.
Here are the full results (turn mobile device to landscape):

Some highlights:
Of course, everyone got DJ LeMahieu right, while no one guessed Tanaka would go back to Japan.
Everyone struck out on Trevor Bauer and George Springer.
Jeff made some bold predictions, namely thinking Nelson Cruz would go to the Rays and Justin Turner would go to the Mets. Alas, both ended up not happening.
Shoutout to Twitchy for being the only one to get Liam Hendricks right and Mike for being the only to get Jose Quintana right.
Of the 18 free agents we predicted, we got nine of them all wrong. We made our money on players such as LeMahieu, Cruz, and Turner -- guys who were expected to return to their current teams.
We made a big improvement in our predictions this offseason compared to last. That can only mean the Yankees will make a similar improvement from 2020 to 2021.