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March 6, 2005 – Oh my goodness gracious, Suzyn Waldman makes her debut

Ten years ago today, Suzyn Waldman made history by making her radio debut with John Sterling on WCBS-AM (880). She would become the first woman in big league history to be a full-time color commentator. Prior to joining John Sterling in the booth, Waldman was a former radio-talk host on WFAN. She was the first female to broadcast a nationally televised baseball game, as well as the first to provide local TV play-by-play for the Yankees.

After spending 10 years behind the microphone for Yankees game in one of the biggest media markets in the world, there have been many opinions made on the quality of broadcasting that Suzyn Waldman provides. Her thick Boston accent and habit of stating the obvious, tends to hit a sore spot in many Yankees fans. He over exaggeration in many situations, most notably Roger Clemens in Steinbrenners’ box, has been a joke among Yankees fans for years. In my mind, radio broadcasts have never been the same since she took over as color commentator.

“Oh my goodness gracious!”

Yankees fans… I would love to hear your thoughts. Would the radio broadcasts be more enjoyable with a former player providing color commentary, or is Suzyn ‘a-ok’ in your mind? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.